2022–09–11 — Interesting Articles

Dr. Nathan Belcher
2 min readSep 11, 2022


Luke 14:25–33 by Rob Myallis

Be Comforted in Your Smallness by Joe Rigney (Desiring G0d)

‘But God’: Hope and Certainty for My Disillusioned Generation by Sara Gonzalez (The Gospel Coalition)

Why Bread and Wine? by Scott Hubbard (Desiring God)

Luke 15:1–10 by Rob Myallis

Time Is a River and We Are Pebbles by Brett McCracken (The Gospel Coalition)

Leadership/Personal Growth/Parenting

The Truth About Quiet Quitting by Brad Stulberg

The Art of Choosing What to Do With Your Life by Benjamin Storey and Jenna Silber Storey (New York Times)

Live Your Virtues, Don’t Just Signal Them by Aimee Joseph (The Gospel Coalition)

What I Learned From Being Cancer Free by Evan Armstrong (Every)

Coach Linda Flanagan Schools Me on How to Buck the System by Malcolm Gladwell

The Messy Home of Blessing by Marshall Segal (Desiring God)


6 Myths About Teacher Professional Development by Frederick Hess

Writing is a Tool for Making New Ideas by Eliot Peper (Every)

A Letter to New Teachers by Chase Mielke (ASCD)

The Science of Coaching Teachers by Jim Heal and Amber Willis (EdSurge)



Dr. Nathan Belcher

Founder of "The Learning Engine" -- Helping people learn and grow through the principles of learning. W&M: B.S '08, M.A.Ed '10, U of SC: Ed.D. '17